
Thursday 26 September 2013

CBGB [2013]

Director Randall Miller attempts to tackle the history of the rise of the infamous New York punk rock venue in CBGB
If you studied your American punk rock carefully, you're going to see all sorts of things to make you shudder, most of which are purely for time constraints and dramatic purposes.  With all that out of the way, I found it to be a mostly entertaining & engaging tale about the underdog doing what he does best and making a name for himself whether he likes it or not.  There's some distractingly unnecessary "'zine" framing & edits but Alan Rickman & Ashley Greene hold the entire film together with a special mention to Freddy Rodriguez as well.  It was probably a tale best left untouched but I gotta admit it could have been A LOT worse.  

3 dog shit surprises out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.