
Wednesday 28 August 2013


Director Paul Schrader (writer of Taxi Driver) and screenwriter Brett Easton Ellis (American Psycho) toss together this erotic Hollywood thriller.
The wonky pacing and distracting editing of this film completely throws off anything that could have saved it.  Ellis is usually quite good at writing sharp dialogue for filthy rich, highly unlikable empty characters but here it's completely lifeless and dull.  Lindsay Lohan brings a spark to the script but is surrounded by a bunch of waiters & waitresses doing a bad job at acting like they're rich and ultimately brings it down.  The cheap clothing, rented houses & cars give it all away within seconds and that takes away from the atmosphere the film-makers are trying to create.  In the end, it feels like too many people had a different idea what they wanted the film to be and it just ended up one huge mess.

1  uncomfortable dinner date out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.