
Friday 30 August 2013

Burton and Taylor (2013)

The pairing of Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton for a theatre production of Noël Coward’s ‘Private Lives’ pretty much guarantees a sold-out show every night, but what of the drama that goes on behind the curtain?
The story really wasn't that interesting, but both Carter and West captured well the vulnerability of their respective stars. Helena’s portrayal of Liz’s off-screen persona, showing that even when she wasn't supposed to be acting she was still filling a role, playing up to an ideal to lure Burton away from his other concerns, was well-played out. She was less successful in other ways. West had the easier task of being a man torn between what he wants and what he knows he can have but shouldn't. It took half an hour to get interesting, but it comes good by the end.

3 befuddlements out of 5


  1. She looks more like Delta Burke than she does Liz.

  2. I've no clue who Delta Burke is but yea, that was one of the things it didn't do so well on. It was the subtleties in other areas that made it worthwhile.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.