
Saturday 6 July 2013

TRUE GRIT [2010]

Joel & Ethan Coen make a faithful adaptation of True Grit, the American classic serial Western by Charles Portis.
Unlike the John Wayne film and it's shittier sequels, this version stays true to it's source material by telling it from Mattie Ross' point of view (meticulously played by Hailee Steinfeld).  For a Coen Brothers film it scales down the peculiarities of their previous films but still manages to flow with bizarre dialogue structures, exaggerated costumes and beautiful music.  There's nothing particularly flashy or special about this film but it's simply just good ol' fashioned American storytelling.

4 introductions on the shitter out of 5

1 comment:

  1. I've only watched this one once. It was great. It's been on my list of stuff to purchase for a long time.
    Same score.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.