
Sunday 7 July 2013


Christian Bale is a smug crazed bastard.  Steve Zahn talks like a laid back crazed stoner.  Jeremy Davies mumbles and twitches in a crazed manner.
Director Werner Herzog typecasts his three main stars in  the Vietnamese prisoner of war film Rescue Dawn, a follow-up to his own 1997 documentary Little Dieter Needs To Fly.  It's a bizarre meshing of an artsy Herzog film and a schmaltzy Hollywood film that never quite finds the perfect balance to really get a feel for it.  The narrative doesn't give us enough character development to truly care for these folks and mostly feels blandly conventional.  Beautifully photographed and wonderfully scored by Klaus Badelt, Rescue Dawn completely misses it's mark and putters along like a constipated cat.

2 mealtime worms out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.