
Monday 17 June 2013


Director Danny Boyle takes on the difficult task of adapting author Irvine Welsh's non-linear first novel Trainspotting and turns it into one of the best and more accurate films about hard drug addiction.  
It's a raw, grungy tale about betrayal, youth subculture and being imprisoned with too much freedom.  Boyle allows the film to seep into your nerves with a flashy soundtrack, captivating wide angles & colors, a cast of charismatic, yet seedy, characters and a narrative that gleefully threatens to derail itself with each corner it takes.   One of the defining time capsules of the mid '90's, Trainspotting is fun, nasty and not afraid to spit in your face.

4½ shitty beds out of 5


  1. It's almost 10 years since I last watched this but I can still remember most of it.
    It's one of the films I never got around to replacing on dvd after I gave the vid away.

    4 fun job interviews out of 5

  2. I hadn't seen it since the late '90's. It held up pretty well. The '90's electronica music was '80s-esque enough to place it into the film's time period.

    "Fun job interviews". XD

    I did a job interview after 3 or 4 days of no sleep coming off of a meth bender. the time I thought I did pretty good and didn't know why I didn't get the job.

    Thinking back at it, I wonder what the feck. XD Really? Feck, cuckoo. :notgood:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.