
Sunday 16 June 2013

Indie Game: The Movie (2012)

The Kickstarter funded Indie Game: The Movie manages to be both a love letter to indie games and accessible to those who've never touched a controller in their life. By focusing on the passion behind the games rather than the minor details, it tells stories that are both compelling and easy to relate to. The Super Meat Boy story is a joy to watch even if you know exactly how it ends.

But what really appealed to me about it was how it made me sympathize with creators who were less than likable. Phil Fish and Jonathan Blow are two of the most notorious figures in indie gaming, and while I'm unwilling to spend five minutes in a room with Fish, I came away with compassion and a better understanding of him. It feels honest in a way few documentaries do, and that, more than the subject matter, is what makes it worth watching.

3.5 ways to communicate without making friends out of 5.

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.