
Sunday 27 January 2013


From The Counterfeiters director, Stefan Ruzowitzky comes the quiet and finely crafted crime drama, Deadfall.
It's a complex character study that's filled with depth, strong emotional conflict and plot threads that threatens to spiral out of control but all meets up in the end.  The plot is nothing too special but everything is strengthened by superb acting, beautifully cold photography and wonderful pacing.  The writing is so good and deeply layered, you actually find yourself caring about the murderers & criminals in the film but in a different way than Quentin Tarantino's glamorization of the crime life.  

3½ barbed wire fences out of 5


  1. 3 Playboy pin-ups out of 5 from me

    One thing I couldn't believe was how long Eric Bana went without a hat or at least ear muffs in that winter cold.

    The ending didn't bother me as much as I've heard from other reviews. I think it's pretty obvious what would happen to the characters.

  2. It would have received an extra 1/2 star from me if Olivia Wilde stayed in the outfit she was in during the opening 5 minutes for the whole movie.



“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.