
Sunday 27 January 2013


Peter Berg's loose "adaptation" of the Hasbro boardgame, Battleship, marks the first time I've Nutted a film without finishing it first.
One hour into it I gave up on this stupid film.  In the same style as Michael Bay's Transformers films, Battleship is noisy & generic, horribly written, badly acted and poorly edited with loads of childish humour to boot.  
No.  Just no.

½ chicken burrito out of 5 


  1. Haha! Why? Jebus.
    I'm going to assume you fell and banged your head on the kitty litter before viewing. Your judgement was impaired. An hour later you regained your senses. Welcome back.

  2. It had been staring at me on VOD for some time now.
    I finally thought "let us see just how bad it actually is for The Nuts' sake".
    About 20 minutes in I started to really feel sorry myself even if I did deserve it. XD


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.