
Tuesday 7 February 2012


If someone told me to go see Moneyball I'd probably not listen and assume I wouldn't like it. I would be wrong.
The Oakland A's General Manager Billy Beane is at the bottom the shit-hill and needs to find a way by picking out a winning team with the aid of his new assistant GM who's fresh to the game. Brad Pitt gives a profound performance but it's Jonah Hill who steals the show with his surprisingly charming nice-guy act.
It's well-paced, funny, interesting and no silly "uplifting" speech at the end, that all came as a pleasant surprise for a guy who doesn't know a single lick about baseball.

3½ Spike Jonze cameos out of 5


  1. First time I've heard of this. No explosions = low promotion. I like Brad, and Hoffman. Sounds good.

  2. Baseball. Hitting balls with sticks. The type of thing a kid would make up on the spot.
    Very stat heavy. Probably explains it's Japanese popularity.
    There is no crying in baseball.
    Unless it rains an hour before and the game is cancelled because players are too pussy to play in the mud.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.