
Monday 6 February 2012

Jackie Chan's Who Am I? (1998)

Aka: Wo Shi Shei / Who Am I? /  Jackie Chan Is Nobody / Amnesia

There's some very dodgy dubbing going on during the first ten minutes of Chan's Who Am I?. Mercifully, it disappears and settles into a regular adventure wherein Jackie's lost his memory and has no idea why people are trying to kill him. It’s light on action for a long time, but the second half brings the Chan! Some long takes prove he's no fake.
Most of the acting is laughable for all the wrong reasons.
The US release is cut by nine minutes.

3 dogs and clogs out of 5


  1. 3½ Redheaded asians are unfair to fetishists out of 5

  2. I kept hoping he would do the My Head is Full of Fuck meme when trying to remember stuff but he didn't. :(


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.