
Wednesday 14 September 2011


The second installment that is the first part of a trilogy [?] written and directed by Stevan Mena. The first film, Malevolence was a lacklustre thriller that tried to emulate '80's slashers, while Bereavement takes a different turn down the horror road and aims for torture porn.
Mena must have gone to film and music school, because his skills vastly improved since the first film six years before this. That's not to say Bereavement is any good...because it's not.
I'll admit there were a few scenes that the gorehound in me grinned and found myself to be very uncomfortable with the disturbingly immoral final ten minutes but apart from that it was a bore. Skip this series. That is unless Mena comes up with something surprisingly original and amazing for the final part but I doubt that, as these two films said everything that could be said about something so inane and shallow.

2 roasted waitresses out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.