
Thursday 15 September 2011


Martin Scorsese delivers yet another film of delicately crafted shots, extravagant set pieces and noteworthy costumes. The Aviator tells the story of the eccentric film director and aviator Howard Hughes.
Leonardo DiCaprio hands in a wonderful performance as Hughes, as does Cate Blanchett who does a hauntingly believable and spot on performance as Katherine Hepburn. Filled with an entire army of beautiful performances, I'd be hard off to list them all.
Scorsese takes us back to the Golden Age of Hollywood in both the era itself and even in his own filming techniques. It's a beautiful and fascinating film that I was surprised to find I was so enthralled with. My initial reaction to a film about Hughes was "this will be boring" and found that I couldn't be any more wrong.

4 ½ Errol Fuckin Flynn's out of 5

1 comment:

  1. "My initial reaction to a film about Hughes was "this will be boring" and found that I couldn't be any more wrong"

    Exactly my experience as well. Our 3rd friend who is not so much of a movie buff was probably bored out of his mind.
    4 Way of the Future out of 5


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.