
Tuesday 1 October 2024

The Substance (2024)

Good Lord. ðŸ˜‚
Demi Moore gives the performance of her career as Elisabeth Sparkle, an aging starlet who is tipped off to a method to extend her beauty and youth indefinitely. The marketing materials did such a good job of keeping this under wraps, I won't be the one to ruin it for you. All I'll say is that this is body horror the likes of which would make Cronenberg himself nut in his pantaloons. I felt like I had to watch The Fly afterwards just for a bit of 'lighter' fare. There is no subtlety in this movie at all and it is glorious. It commanded my complete and undivided attention the whole time (and not just because of the flagrant nudity). I still have no idea how this made it into theaters, but I'm so grateful it did. It's rare these days that horror actually horrifies me.
I'll be honest, this one restored my faith in modern cinema.

4 discreetly marked packages out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.