
Thursday 13 August 2020

Time Trap (2017)

A modest budget sci-fi about a small group of people who venture into a Texan cave to find someone who ventured into the same cave and didn't come out; coincidently, the person they're seeking was there to find folks who also entered but didn't come out. It doesn't look good for all concerned - doubly so when you factor in the differing time dimensions and that the intelligence level of all but one of the team is barely above a typical horror movie bint.
The concept is classic genre stuff. Initially it seems as if the filmmakers are content to stretch it to breaking point, but if you're able to overlook the weak atmosphere, the am-dram acting, and some dire dialogue that relies too much on exposition, then there's a few turns in the latter half that may surprise. As a fan of shoestring sci-fi, I enjoyed the ideas more than the people.

3 lengths of rope out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.