
Tuesday 4 August 2020

Buffalo Soldiers (2001)

Having no actual 'Buffalo Soldiers' present, nor any direct connection to the Bob Marley song from which it probably took the title, the 'satirical' film stars Joaquin Phoenix as US army Supply Specialist Ray Elwood, who's stationed in West Germany during 1989. When not cooking smack for drug-addicted recruits, Elwood spends his time scheming how to best make a profit on the military black market. He provides an occasional v/o, like Ferris Bueller's less charismatic cousin. And much like Bueller, despite having witnessed first-hand the dire consequences of his actions, his character learns nothing of value in the end. Likewise, I gained nothing of value from watching the work.

1½ non-regulation high dives out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.