
Monday 10 February 2020

The Entity (1982)

When Carla Moran (Barbara Hershey) is assaulted in her home by a malevolent entity she seeks help from the medical community, most of whom try to write off her experiences as psychological delusions and repressed trauma. Despite their 'expert' assurances, the violent and sexual attacks increase.
The supernatural aspect is always there, but it's the human trauma that stands out, thanks to a fine performance by Hershey, who personifies the dread of not being safe in one's home and the horror of not being believed.
The camerawork and FX are genuinely creepy and upsetting a lot of the time, and the attacks are accompanied by a pulse-pounding score that's as dramatic as hell in the night time but less so in daylight hours. Based on true events, if not for the weak finale The Entity would be a lot more terrifying overall.

3½ visitations out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.