
Tuesday 4 February 2020

Grand Theft Auto (1977)

Nothing to do with a popular sandbox video game series, the film GTA follows the journey of poor-boy Sam Freeman (Ron Howard) and rich-girl Paula Powers (Nancy Morgan) as they drive to Las Vegas to get wed. Along the way the duo are pursued by a number of different characters, for various reasons. Pushing the joke further, some of the pursuers are themselves being tailed.
There was an audience in the late 70s for the kind of road movie caper that GTA is, as evidenced by the success of Smokey and the Bandit (incidentally, GTA was released a couple of weeks after SatB), but the light-hearted comedy rarely excites and the characters aren't memorable enough to make it stand out. To be blunt, if not for the name it might not be remembered at all, except perhaps by fans of Dir. Howard, seeing as how it was his début feature.

2 reward hunters out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.