
Wednesday 10 October 2018

Beauty and the Beast (1991)

An enchantress disguised as a beggar teaches a selfish young Prince a powerful life lesson by making his physical appearance representative of his inner wickedness. All things considered, that's a pretty darn extreme reaction from a woman who, to be fair, is pretending to be something she's not - lie much, witch? In contrast, by merely acting according to his nature, the Prince was being honest. So who's the most contemptible in this scenario?
To break the curse the Beast must win the love of another. Luckily, bookish Belle, living the life of Riley but wanting more than a charming provincial town can offer, stumbles into Beast's castle while searching for her father.
Successfully recreating a Broadway musical style, Disney's BatB is memorable mostly for the titular creature's design and voice work.

3 anthropomorphic household items out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.