
Thursday 19 July 2018

The Last Legion (2007)

Set in Britain and Rome in the year 460 AD, TLL is an action/adventure movie with an underdeveloped coming of age element, some acceptable sword fighting, a bundled cliched romance between allies, a rousing few-versus-many speech and a cookie-cutter battle-heavy finale. Its best feature, however, is that it has very little CGI in support of most things on that list.
Themes including self-sacrifice, friendship, honour, duty, and accepting responsibility are surface-skimmed in a manner that suggests the filmmakers achieved what they set out to do, which was to tick a number of well-worn boxes and avoid any of the more interesting ones. It is what it is: i.e. a movie that's as unremarkable as my half-assed commentary on the thing itself.

2½ well-groomed beards out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.