
Tuesday 19 June 2018

Bodyguard (2011)

Salman Khan stars as Lovely Singh, the titular bodyguard hired to protect the daughter (Kareena Kapoor) of a man to whom he owes an enormous debt.
It'll probably surprise no one to learn that romance rears its head, and that it isn't as simple as it should be. Alas, comedy plays a large part, ranging from tongue-in-cheek stupidity to woefully mocking folks that don't fit the 'beautiful people' template Bollywood favours. The farcical bullshit does eventually lessen to a more tolerable level, but the absurd action doesn't.
Barring the ridiculous The Matrix (1999) rip-off scene, what saves the film from itself is primarily the closing half hour, wherein it turns attentively to the kind of bittersweet matters that rouse the human heart.

2½ private numbers out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.