
Thursday 10 May 2018

Renaissance (2006)

aka Paris 2054: Renaissance

Dir. Christian Volckman's only feature to date is a stylised mystery/thriller set in a futuristic Paris, the majority of which is rendered in stark B+W, with occasional grey colour values. Backgrounds are computer generated, but characters are animated mo-cap, which sounds like a disaster, but the result is really quite striking - like Frank Miller's Sin City comic brought to life (better than the actual SC films managed it). Given the difficulty some folks will have with the presentation, you'd think the film-makers would've gone for a more accessible noir script, but that too is somewhat alienating, with the threads of scientific experimentation, corporate conspiracy and the hunt for a woman's missing sister only really peaking in the final third. Until then, it's an involved but slow crawl that may not be enough to hold a casual viewer's attention.

3 neck triangles out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.