
Friday 22 September 2017

Princess Raccoon (2005)

Dir. Seijun Suzuki's final film is a vibrant and bonkers spin on a well-known Japanese folktale about a human male and a beautiful shape-shifting tanuki princess. The human (Joe Odagiri) is the son of a Lord, banished from his home on account of being more handsome than his jealous father.
Like the titular princess (Zhang Ziyi) the film isn't fixed in any one particular form. It's varied, a traditional film one minute, a kabuki-esque production the next, or even something resembling a picture book brought to life with the unreality of chroma key occasionally working in its favour! A number of differing musical styles add further strangeness and character.
The trailer should be enough to either intrigue or repel you, so it's perhaps a good idea to check it out before diving into Suzuki's madness feet first.

3½ jewelled tears out of 5


  1. The other day I was recommended a video about attractive Riders. Joe was in the thumbnail. I thought about it, and, he can definitely look really cool, but I wouldn't say I find him attractive exactly.

    Cool guy. No jimmies rustled :laugh:

  2. I'm not sure if being attractive to a tanuki is something Joe ought to be celebrating. :P

  3. Wait, do female tanukis also have... o_O


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.