
Friday 12 May 2017


Silicon Valley's Matt Ross' second directorial feature-length Captain Fantastic proves if actor Viggo Mortensen wants Oscar recognition he needs to do full-frontal nudity.
Mortensen plays a recently widowed father, who believes his secluded family's lifestyle should go against the grain of the modern world and it's political, religious and decadent beliefs.  However all that is put to the test when they're forced to interact with the world, where they find sometimes the best lessons are learned with first-hand experience and not just books.
There's some interesting themes and plot-points thrown around but when it all comes down to it, it's really all about Mortensen's fantastic acting chops.  In fact the entire cast raises the film past it's so-so script and predictable quirkiness.

3 missions out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.