
Saturday 15 October 2016

MASCOTS [2016]

Director Christopher Guest returns to his mockumentary comedies about broken down flakes who just won't quit in Mascots.
This time around eccentric sports mascots from all over the world have gathered together to compete for the obscure Golden Fluffy Award.
If you're familiar with Guest's previous films Best in Show or Waiting for Guffman than you know exactly what you're getting.  If you're completely in love with those films than chances are you'll enjoy this one but don't expect Guest to attempt to do anything different.  He plays it pretty safe here, which isn't a bad thing if you're in it just for the laughs because there's plenty to be had.  I was constantly giggling so I got just what I wanted with this one but many will want more considering it's been so long since his last film.

3 pink bunny Furries out of 5


  1. It gets a solid 3 breakdancing pieces of shit out of 5 just for the cast itself. It's great to see Guest's troupe expanding itself with new faces as well as including all the old favorites (you can't help but smile every time Fred Willard shows up). I was definitely missing the presence of both Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara, but I guess they're busy with their own show now.

    I saw another mockumentary earlier this year with the same basic premise and format (hopefuls preparing for a big audition in front of judges) entitled Internet Famous, which I also found pretty entertaining.

    Netflix seems like a pretty good fit for Christopher Guest. Hopefully it doesn't take another 10 years for his next one. (Not counting Family Tree.)

  2. Michael McKean, Levy & O'Hara were dearly missed but the rest of the cast pretty much made up for it.
    Zach Woods and Tom Bennett were my personal favorites.
    I LOVED the scened between Willard and the "little person".

    And the bunny cracked me up.
    The subtle touching in the background. XD Only to finish it off with a full-on dry-hump.

  3. I guess McKean was busy with Better Call Saul, huh? I guess it's just as well they were missing. My main problem with the film is that the cast felt mostly wasted because they were spread so thin. I'm sure there's hours of outtakes somewhere.

    You know, after the film was done, I had to look up how old Parker Posey is now (47). I've had a crush on her for the longest time and it seems like she isn't aging. I've been noticing a lot of actresses in their 40s and 50s lately that look fucking amazing for their age.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.