
Tuesday 28 June 2016

The Reboots Collection

Some films didn't fit comfortably under the Remakes heading and are best described as Reboots. It's usually undertaken because the studio had run the original series into the ground but still wants to milk it, so they make it shiny and new with actors and actresses that are more appealing to a younger audience. (We're probably all thinking it, so I'll go ahead and say it: sometimes it means that men/women are hired based on looks rather than talent.)

There might be some duplication of titles that are currently in the Remakes post. That's because they're either confusingly both or I've not personally seen them and can't make a judgement call on where they belong. I'm happy to take advice and/or suggestions from folks, either in relation to "add this title," or "remove that one, prick!" Sincere thanks to anyone that contributes.

NOTE: If text is coloured pink it means no review currently exists for it.


  1. There are a couple off the top of my head, but there might be missing reviews of either one or the other. Hulk/Incredible Hulk. The forthcoming Ghostbusters 2016. Also, I think they're rebooting Spider-Man again in Homecoming (2017), so I guess you could create a placeholder if you want. Oh, and would Batman v. Superman also be considered another reboot of Batman since they show his origin story (yet again) during the opening credits? Or maybe the new Affleck Batman standalone movie would be the proper one. Anyway, I'm sure there's hundreds more I'm neglecting at the moment.

    Oh, and I thought of another one for your remake post. Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I don't think there's a nut for the original though (I just saw it today on the big screen -- still holds up!).

  2. Oh yeah, can't forget the Godzillas. Actually, lots of monster movies would probably fall under that. There have been countless Draculas and Frankensteins and The Wolf Man. I can't really define the line between remake and reboot. Each one seems to want to replace the ones that came before.

  3. TY. TY. Will add Hulk.

    "The forthcoming Ghostbusters 2016."
    I've no plans to watch the new Ghostbusters, so unless someone else has an interest in it, or you want to submit something, it'll remain Nutless.

    "Also, I think they're rebooting Spider-Man again in Homecoming (2017)."
    Probably. The Marvel films are becoming ever more like the Marvel comics in that regard - and in how it seems like there's no such thing anymore as a solo film, it must have cameos to sell more tickets.

    "...would Batman v. Superman also be considered another reboot of Batman since they show his origin story (yet again) during the opening credits?"
    I haven't watched it, but from what you said, sure, it sounds like a fit.

    "Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I don't think there's a nut for the original though (I just saw it today on the big screen -- still holds up!)."
    You lucky rastard! I'd love to see the original on the big screen. It's been in my stack of 'must Nut' discs for months now, but I keep adding more on top and pushing it down.

    "There have been countless Draculas and Frankensteins and The Wolf Man."
    I toyed with the idea of a Universal Monsters / Hammer Versions dedicated post. I've did all of Hammer's big three, but so far I've not got a hold of the Universal ones that you haven't already covered.

    "I can't really define the line between remake and reboot."
    The line is blurry as all hell. I'm not too concerned about there being things in both posts. It's just useful to have two separate headings for the films that are clear-cut, and it might stop the other post from getting really big.

    Input and pointing out omissions like you just did is GREATLY appreciated. TY.

  4. Here are a couple of others that came to me over the course of a sleepless night. It's up to you to decide which list they belong.

    Judge Dredd/Dredd
    RoboCop (missing nut for 2014 version)
    Total Recall (I can't believe no one has done the 1990 version!)
    Ju-on/The Grudge (American version not nutted)
    Fright Night (no nut for the original)

    I think the 2013 Evil Dead might be considered a reboot, but you've already got it covered on the remake list, so it's up to you whether you want to repeat.

    There are a couple of others that might make it on technicalities, so I'll just mention them here. X-Men: Days of Future Past was kind of meant to be a reboot of the X-Men timeline. Also, Terminator Genisys was kind of a soft reboot in itself. This might fall under a different heading entirely, the "requel." :P

  5. It's weird that I've been overlooking some films I really love. Dredd added. TY. (And a damn successful reboot it was!)

    Fright Night also added.

    I don't think any of us will ever Nut the new RoboCop. It'll likely remain permanently pink text, but I'll put it in.

    Borderline is working on the US versions of Ju-on. I can add it then. I've a Collection for it planned. There's a ton of them now.

    Does the 2013 Evil Dead take the series back to the beginning? I heard Bruce was in it. Is it post-Evil Dead 3 Bruce or does none of what happened in the three films apply to him? I've no plans to watch it, so don't care about spoilers. If you can answer those, it'd be appreciated if you gave a spoiler heads up to everyone else, though. :-)

    I've no clue what's going on in the X-Men franchise anymore. Cuckoo's Nut has Hugh Jackman listed, so I figured that excluded it? I've not watched it, though, so if Mr Cuckoo is willing to add his two cents...?

    Will add Terminator Genisys. Cuckoo mentions timeline shenaginns.

    I'd prefer to add Total Recall to the Remakes list. It's a standalone film both times, not designed to kick-start a series of films.

    'This might fall under a different heading entirely, the "requel." :P'

    Blimey. No 'requel' post forthcoming. I'm not that much of a masochist. Inter-quels and side-queals can bugger off too. :p

    Thanks, bud. All good.

  6. Bruce is in the ending of Evil Dead. So it's the same cabin, demons only many years later.
    Originally they were planning on joining Old Ash and the surviving characters of 2013 Dead but I think they went ahead and did Ash Vs Evil Dead instead.

    X-men...hmm...I couldn't actually tell you. I suppose they're prequel/sequels......the 2nd one is very confusing.

    And the Planet of the Apes?
    I don't know about those either....
    ...the upcoming third one is leading right into the original Planet of the they're prequels and not reboots.

  7. If it's old Ash, then... sequel-ish.

    The story in the first of the new Apes films gives a different origin story, so if they're claiming them to be prequels it means they're ignoring the four films that came after the original. An argument could be made to discount the last two, but I don't feel that it's right to ignore Parts 2 and 3.

  8. It's not necessarily old Ash. It's just an easter egg. Evil Dead 2013 was meant to be a reboot, but it didn't quite work out that way.

    X-Men: Days of Future Past was meant to be a reboot of the timeline. It basically nullifies the events of the first three movies (and Origins: Wolverine) and starts off a new timeline. So technically it should count.

    The new Rise/Dawn of the Planet of the Apes are definitely reboots. It's starting its own new, modern mythology. Same way Bates Motel is a reboot of Psycho (it couldn't be a prequel since they're set in two different times).

    The Grudge (2004) is a direct remake of Ju-On: The Grudge (2002), so should be included on the remakes list, as well as Dark Water 2002/2005 and The Ring (already added). Damn, that just jumpstarts a whole new slew of American remakes of Asian horror films...too many to mention.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.