
Tuesday 16 February 2016


Adam Salky directs comedian Sarah Silverman in a fearless and emotionally demanding performance in the simple, yet challenging drama, I Smile Back.
Silverman does an incredible job at portraying a stay-at-home mom who appears to be living the happy life, but while the husband & kids are gone for the day, she deals with her bi-polar depression with some unforgivably self-destructive behavior.
Salky's direction is pretty confident and never strays away from it's purpose but it's the story that seems to lack much purpose other than showcasing what it's like to live with or love someone suffering from mental illness.  We've all seen this before and this film gives us no reason to see it again other than Silverman's multi-layered performance that deserves more recognition than it's received.

2½ violated teddy bears out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.