
Wednesday 30 December 2015


After originally only been screened to a very small audience in 2009, director Joe Roecker's Heart Like a Hand Grenade finally saw the light of day in 2015.
It documents the 15 months pop-punk act Green Day spent in the studio recording their 2005 rock opera masterpiece American Idiot.
Like the previous documentary, ¡Cuatro!, the film doesn't really dig into the band's deeper motivation or inspiration and instead focuses on their goofy studio banter & noodling around.  However it's made better than the latter when it inserts some complete raw practice space rehearsals and a few small venue premiere performances, along with one song that didn't see a proper release, until the Broadway Musical album (which the band laughed at originally).  As fan of the act it's a real treat to go back in time and see the creation of one of my all-time favorite albums, back in the day when they still aspired to create something bigger than they were.

3½ guys named Public Domain out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.