
Wednesday 24 June 2015

Scooby-Doo Meets Batman (2002)

Oh, dear. The Bat barrel has a bottom and it has been Scooby scraped.
It's a pair of The New Scooby-Doo Movies released on one disc, both featuring the Caped Crusader. Admittedly, they have something in common, both parties solve crimes in their own respective titles, but it's still an odd pairing.
Batman enlists the help of the Scooby gang in apprehending The Joker and Penguin because he's too incompetent to do it himself. While the dog and his human get up to their usual antics on the ground, Batman's bum-crack chin and disappearing pants flaff around in the Batplane with his Boy Wonder.

1 cat bookie bat cookie out of 5


  1. Who voices Batsy & Robin? It's not West & Ward this time?

    I remember the old Scooby-Doo doing a 2-parter with them and memory seems to think it was pretty fun but I would assume it's just as crappy.

  2. No such luck.
    I don't know who voiced Batnman but it sure wasn't West.
    Robin was Casey Kasem. Yup, he was Shaggy, too. They probably only paid him once, though.

  3. mistake these are the old crappy ones I saw as a kid.

    The New Scooby-Doo aint' so new. :laugh:
    1972. XD

    It never was Adam West. My memory has betrayed me.

  4. On the one hand a betrayal, on the other a welcome shield from the awful memory. It’s a kind of win in a strange way.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.