
Thursday 18 June 2015

Barbershop (2002)

With the shop being a microcosmic meeting point for staff and customers, each with their own troubles, I was reminded of Desmond's (1989-94) more than once, but that's okay because I liked Desmond's.
When it opts for full comedy it uses stereotypes and goes nowhere interesting, and the reliance on an obligatory white guy to spark black concerns is old-hat. When it sticks to subtle comedy within the larger drama it fares better. The quick fire dialogue is stronger and the heart beats louder.
When your workplace grinds you down and you need reminded of what really matters in life, then you could do worse than a Barbershop visit.

3 shortcuts out of 5


  1. I'm beginning to sense your love for Ice Cube comedies that I wasn't aware of before.

  2. It’s all true. Comedy Cube is best Cube. He's too soft-hearted to be believable as a bad guy.

    There are rumours of a third Barbershop. It'll probably be weaker than the second one, but I'll totally watch it.

  3. I was about to say the same thing :doc:

    Eagerly awaiting your thoughts on Ride Along.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.