
Monday 18 May 2015


Dave Kellet & Frederick Schroeder comic strip documentary, Stripped, is probably known most for featuring the only known recorded interview of Calvin & Hobbes mastermind BillWaterson.  
I does however stand quite well on it's own, as it explores the world of the daily comic strip and how it might survive with print well into it's final days.  It features a slew of interviews with comic strips both old & new, some still in working in physical print and others comfortably well-versed into the digial era.  It does a splendid job at filling us in on the history while acting as a tribute to the days of old but looking cautiously forward to see how the art form will survive.  The pros & cons are both equally as strong as the other but in the end it's inevitable, the digital age will win.  As interesting as the subject matter is upfront, it's just as intriguing to see all the various artists and what sort of different mediums and styles they all use.  It's a well-paced, informative piece that will interest anyone who enjoys the art-form.  

4 better or 4 worse out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.