
Friday 10 April 2015


Off the wall animator Don Hertzfeldt makes a triumphant leap into social science fiction with the 17 minute short, World Of Tomorrow.
It tells the story of a care-free toddler, who's barely learned to speak, that is contacted by a fourth-generation adult clone of herself from the distant future.  Hertzfeldt uses crude digital animation for the first time to blend in with his signature stick figures, which all holds more depth and emotion than one would expect from such simplicity.  It's a tale that serves us a huge plate of thoughts to ponder upon that are truly frightening, honestly sad and most of all gut-wrenchingly hilarious.  It's dense philosophical musings serve as a warning of things to come if we as a civilization don't use more caution within our oblivious daily actions, all the while reminding us to simply seize the day.  

4 severe cases of muntull daturrioration out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.