
Wednesday 15 April 2015


The humorous drama Wish I Was Here has passion project for actor/director/co-writer Zach Braff written all over it.
Braff plays a down-in-the-dumps family man who's struggling as an actor that finds himself at a huge turning point in his life when he discovers his father is dying of cancer.  Through all the cookie-cutter timed indie-rock songs, smug observations on everyday life and "edgy" cuteness, Braff explores some pretty heavy themes that ground it with fluffy grace.  I appreciated the comfort zone laughs and tears but found it did nothing to make it stand apart from all the other films like it.  It's a good film but I wish it were great, considering the acting talent and other potentials it had going for it.

3 swear jars out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.