
Monday 20 April 2015

TO BE TAKEI [2014]

Film-maker Jennifer M. Kroot documents the life journey and admirable achievements  of actor George Takei in the instantly enjoyable To Be Takei.
It starts with Takei's life in the as a Japanese-American growing up in a WWII internment camp, followed by his refusal as an actor to play the racist Asian characters of it's time, landing a culturally iconic role in the Star Trek franchise and becoming an important voice in gay rights activism.  Kroot seamlessly jumps back & forth through the times to tell his story through news reels, stock photographs, interviews with friends & foes (here's looking at you Shatner) and simply following Takei and his partner going about their daily business.  Its' at times quite humorous with the actor's witty observations and campy mannerisms, as it is quite emotional as we're given a glimpse into the difficult roads he's travelled since he was a wee lad.

3½ "lost" wedding invitations out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.