
Friday 24 April 2015

THE FRAME [2014]

Writer/director Jamin Winans eerie WTF sci-fi/thriller The Frame is his anticipated follow-up to his innovative 2009 cult hit, Ink.
What if you could talk to a character in a TV show and they talked back?  What if that character thought you were a character in a TV they were watching?
That's just scratching the surface of what The Frame is actually about.  It's not a straight forward narrative but as an emotion driven metaphysical journey it makes a lot more sense.  Winans keeps you thinking, feeling and in complete awe of the creativity pouring out all over the screen in it's visuals, music and camerawork.  There's a few minor issues here and there but can be easily forgiven because sci-fi film-making this brave is a rarity in this day and age.

4 fucking potatoes out of 5

1 comment:

  1. Ink was great. I loved the music, too.
    I'm really glad he made another film. Will check it out someday for sure.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.