
Wednesday 4 February 2015


Director Richard Bates, Jr.'s sophomore effort comes in the form of a piece of shit called Suburban Gothic.
 This "zany" horror-comedy tells the tale of a lost in life twenty-something who moves back into his parent's house to discover there's angry dead folk floating around.  While leads Matthew Gray Gubler & Kat Dennings have enough personality to make them a delight to watch, the film itself is a mish-mash of unevenly timed humor, embarrassingly horrible CGI FX and moments of contrived weirdness, many of which seemed sloppily improvised.  With a pack of cameos from cult-film staples like John Waters, The Soska Sisters and Jeffrey Combs the film has it's audience built-in however they should prepare to be disappointed.

1 musical toenail out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.