
Wednesday 21 January 2015

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1969)

Maggie Smith is a National Treasure. As Jean Brodie she takes the bar of excellence and raises it until it’s no longer even visible.
It’s adapted from a stage play that was itself adapted from a book, meaning it’s been trimmed and honed to absolute perfection. Events unfold in an Edinburgh girls’ school during the 1930s, an institution that follows the status quo like an obedient dog with tail firmly between legs. The well-spoken, progressive Miss Brodie is the antithesis of that. Her teaching methods aren't found on the curriculum, but her girls go on to be exceptional, although perhaps not in the eyes of a conservative society.
My weak synopsis doesn't do it justice; it's an extraordinary film.

5 vigorous vocations out of 5


  1. A fantastic film.
    This one's always floated around the family for some reason. I think it's the Maggie Smith worship.
    Some of those "school girls" are hilariously apparent adults. XD

    4 crazy ol' pip pip teachers out of 5

  2. It’s a classic. It made me want to read the play and the novel.

    the twenty-teens. :laugh: I’ve seen it be a lot worse, though.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.