
Thursday 8 January 2015


Usually when a film adaptation is rushed into production after the success of the book it's based on it normally means bad news bears.
Fortunately Stuck In Love director Josh Boone's adaptation of John Green's youth-oriented novel The Fault In Our Stars is actually quite good.
It tells the story of a couple of young cancer patients, delicately played by Shailene Woodley & Ansel Egort (yes, the brother & sister in Divergent :erm:) who live and learn about life & death and everything around it as a relationship begins blossoming between them.
Like it's source material, the film is witty, humorous and heart-breaking all while it graces us with some superb performances, simple yet elegant photography and enough here to be enjoyed by both mainstream and indie-film lovers.

4 shitty people & shitty writers out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.