
Wednesday 28 January 2015


Jaume Balagueró, co-director of the first two [REC] films, returns along side star Manuela Velasco for what is promised to be the fourth and final instalment of the Spanish horror series.
Taken place immediately after the the events of the second film, we find Ángela mysteriously woken up on a seemingly isolated oil tanker on sea, which is in danger due to her still carrying the deadly virus.  It's a bit of a bumpy ride but returns to the grisly style of the first two films, unlike the hilarious third film (which I actually quite liked).  There's plenty of horrific moments to please fans of the series but also a great deal of "really?" groan-worthy moments that should be taken with a grain of salt if you're willing to reach the end.  Plenty of gory action, "fuck yeah!" kick-ass moments and white-knuckled tension to satisfy yet it never really quite reaches the heights of what a grand finale should be.

3 zombie monkeys out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.