
Thursday 29 January 2015

Amityville III: The Demon (1983)

aka Amityville 3D

Is it third time lucky for the residents of the Long Island house, or another pointless, vapid waste of time? Curb your optimism because it's shit. The story’s hopeless. A reporter turned writer (who doesn't once write) moves into the house to debunk claims that it’s possessed. While there he sucks every bit of tension out of the air with his lack of enthusiasm.
It’s 55 minutes before anything happens. Prior to that there’s nothing, unless you class emptiness and hysterical women as a good time.
The writer of the script used a pseudonym! That’s how bad it is. To add insult to injury they released it in 3D. The majority of the time 3D is a desperate tactic to milk the wallets of fools and doubles as an admission that the product is bad. It still happens. As long as there are fools…

0½ an ephemeral care out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.