
Thursday 18 December 2014

TUSK [2014]

Every now and then a film comes along and lingers with you for days, constantly bringing up that nagging question: "what the fuck?"
Kevin Smith's oddball horror Tusk is most definitely one of those films.
In what is destined to be a cult classic, the story follows an obnoxious podcaster who interviews a man that ends up surgically turning him into a human walrus.  It dives deep into the absurd but always manages to bring the characters to the surface for the stark realization that it's actually quite horrific as it is hilarious.  Michael Parks steals the show as the batshit crazy walrus lover, particularly when he's sharing a gut-wrenchingly funny scene with Johnny Depp that steers into David Lynch territory.
It's far from perfect but that's actually part of it's midnight movie appeal.

3 Clerks out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.