
Saturday 27 December 2014

Tough and Deadly (1995)

Roddy Piper and Billy Blanks had teamed up previously for the film Back in Action (1993) and here they are again back in… er… more action, but not as the same characters. Both men wear knock-off Chuck Norris Action Jeans but they work different jobs. One is a Private Investigator and the other is an ass-kicking mystery man with amnesia.
It’s a buddy movie that ticks all the cliché boxes: training montage; bar fight; pool hall fight; scene that has guy falling out of a window and landing on the roof of a car. There’s also a lot of humour, but not too much that it tips over into parody. Somehow, and I make no excuses for feeling as such, it kept me smiling throughout because Roddy is a cheesy, classy guy.

2½ roundhouse kicks out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.