
Thursday 11 December 2014

Lawnmower Man 2: Beyond Cyberspace (1996)

I sincerely hope that in an alternate reality Matt Frewer is getting the breaks he deserves and has an agent to keep him in the roles he's perfect for, because in our reality his unique aura is often wasted by being cast in crap like LM 2, in which he plays an unhusked Jobe. It's best not to dwell on that odd turn of events, or indeed anything else, because it's a shambolic, unnecessary sequel to a film that really didn't need one. Beyond Cyberspace? Beyond Ridiculous would've been more apt.

1 obsolete system out of 5


  1. Did you actually watch the entire film? I didn't even make it 20 minutes in.

  2. I did. My dignity took a severe pounding but I recovered enough to be thankful there isn't a third film.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.