
Sunday 28 December 2014

D-Tox (2002)

aka Eye See You

Sly plays an FBI agent who enters a remote detox clinic (not D-Tox, folks) exclusively for cops that resembles a desolate, gray-walled bunker level from an FPS video game. Which FPS? All of them. Once there, the film ceases to attempt building a potentially harrowing drama and descends into a piss-poor clone of Alien³ (1992 / 2003) and The Thing (1982), without an alien or a Thing. Instead, the threat is a serial killer content with living in a world dictated by horror movie logic.
The ‘retreat run by cops for cops’ screening process is questionable. To be fair, my own isn't much better. It wasn't until afterwards that I noticed the words ‘From the director of I Know What You Did Last Summer’ on the cover. If I’d seen that beforehand, I’d have chucked it in the trash sooner.

1½ snowy step processes out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.