
Wednesday 5 November 2014


Director Declan O'Brien returns for a third spin at the Wrong Turn series for the uninspired boringly titled fifth film, Bloodlines.
By now I've learned not to walk into these films with any expectations whatsoever and with any luck I'll leave unphased.  The opening scene promised more silly but entertaining humor to decorate it's wild kill scenes but beyond that it really sputtered out into something actually quite boring, cheap to look at and all in all just plain lazy.  It's supposed to be taking place at a incredibly popular music festival but the only people there literally seem to be the 8 victims and the 4 hillbilly cannibal dullards.
Even Pinhead himself, Doug Bradley can't save this one from wanting to gouge your eyes out and let the psychotic yokels take you out.

1 soccer field jamborees out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.