
Monday 24 November 2014

The Batwoman (1968)

Athletes are being murdered in Acapulco, so Batwoman (Maura Monti) puts on her Mexican wrestler mask, cape and bikini and attempts to track the perpetrator down. When the situation calls for it she’ll cross arms, rest hands on ample hips and perform a thoughtful rub of the chin.
The villain (Roberto CaƱedo) is a mad scientist/retired surgeon, with his very own Igor, who longs to create a wicked fish-man. I shit you not.
It’s more like the old Wonder Woman TV series than the old Adam West Batman series. Amazingly, either DC didn't know it was being made or they didn't care. WB would have a fit if that happened today. I don't think even the weird jazz soundtrack would dissuade them from quashing it.

2 wet blankets out of 5


  1. O_o Zwuh?

    I don't even...

    How'd you come across this one?

  2. Simple blind luck. Or maybe that should be ‘bad’ luck.

    Anyone that says I was shopping for cosplaying Mexican lady-wrestlers of the night is lying. :erm:


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.