
Thursday 6 November 2014


Danish director Henrik Ruben Genz made some wonderful films in his native language so what the hell happened with Good People?
A young couple, heavily in debt, find a sack full of money that's being hunted down by both the police and criminals that want it back.  Obviously the story resorts to "greed makes people do the darndest things" and leaves a pile of bodies in it's path.  Apart from the boring retread story (which could work with a bit more wit about it) the fast pacing of the script hurts the slow-buring reveal of the direction.  It simply conflicts so heavily that we're pummelled with incoherencies and plotholes galore.  Genz's eye for rainy day Killing-esque noir and decaying buildings are as beautiful as always but with so much lost in translation and studio interference everything gets lost in this 90-minute mess.

2 inevitable nail guns out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.