
Wednesday 22 October 2014


Deliver Us From Evil is a mystery/horror about a  troubled cop who finds himself in the middle of a demon possession circle of gruesome crimes.
Director Scott Derrickson constantly proves to us that he can suffocate us with his knack for conjuring up some uber-creepsome atmosphere but, like the title of the film, he always seems to fall into conventional plotting and old hat scare tactics.  While the supporting cast are all quite wonderful it's the leading man, Eric Bana that is the most uninteresting of the bunch and that hurts the film quite a bit too.
If you've never seen an exorcism film before, from under that rock you've been under, then this might be pretty effective...but if not, then you have a legion of better ones to choose from.

2½ scary ass owl plushies out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.