
Monday 8 September 2014


Director Charlie McDowell's feature length debut The One I Love is a romantic-comedy unlike any other I've ever seen.
Elizabeth Moss & Mark Duplass play a couple that escape to an out of the way cottage to try and save their struggling marriage.  That's all you should know before entering into this bizarre tale of love and the crazy things we do for it.  A bold tale told on a small scale sometimes runs around in circles but mostly keeps the viewer intrigued as they try and figure out what the hell is going on.  Duplass, who's perfected the mumblecore improvisation, is lucky to work across Moss who naturally slides into the genre with great ease.  The story and actors do a wonderful job at exploring the themes brought to the table and never ceases to entertain despite some bumps in the road.

3 pieces of bacon out of 5

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“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.