
Friday 5 September 2014

Spawn (1997)

Because it's a B-Movie we make certain allowances in all but the story, but even after doing that it's still a ragged bag of shit.
Many of the events in Al's life are taken directly from the comic book; that means we needed the clown to be there, but we didn't need him to be that irritating. Fuck that guy.
The FX budget appears to have been blown on realising the Violator and Spawn's red cloak, leaving just a few dollars (after a crew whip-round?) to create Malebolgia and the entirety of Hell. Not good. It's rare that I give a damn about franchise reboots, but in this instance I'd welcome one.

1 bed in the alley out of 5


  1. I thought Spawn was too silly before this movie.

    This only cemented those ill feelings toward it.

    I was working in a theater around the time this came out.
    I've seen it more times than I ever would have liked to. :(

  2. I liked the comic, at least for while. Mcfarlane laid on the tragedy a bit thick but it was refreshing to see a character that had a finite existence.

    Seeing this more than once in any decade would be its own kind of hell.


“Where we’re going, we don’t need ________”
A) Mom’s permission. B) Roads. C) Pants.